The little prince

The little prince image

THE LITTLE PRINCE (Antoine De Saint-Exupéry)


The little prince is a very nice book for readers of all ages.
It talks about the strangeness of the adult world, the sense of life and the human nature.
The meaning of this story depends on the kind of reader: if he is a child it will be a fantastic story, if he is an adult it will be a philosophical book, that shows the world from a different point of view.
However, even if you read it in your childhood, you absolutely have to re-read it: it will look like a different book!
The most famous phrase of this book is told by the fox: “it is the time you have lost for your rose that makes your rose so important.”

PLOT (no spoiler):
A plane crashes in the Sahara desert, where the pilot meets a young, polite and strange boy, who asks him to draw a sheep.
The pilot, confused, asks for more information and the boy just says that he is the prince of a far asteroid, where he lives alone and takes care of a beautiful and rare rose.
Since baobab trees are invading his asteroid, he needs the drawing of a sheep in order to eat that plants.
The pilot says that the sheep would eat his rose too, so he draws just a box, that contains a sheep: the boy is so happy of this drawing!
The little prince has left his asteroid and his rose to explore the rest of the universe, so his journey continues, and he meets many other strange people…

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